MP3 recordings from past events available for a small donation.
Fixed Stars
Many astrologers incorporate the brightest stars in the sky, the so-called "Fixed Stars," into their readings. Not being on the ecliptic, stars have an entirely different relationship to Earth than planets and thus require different techniques for astrological readings. But like the signs and planets, each star and constellation has distinct myths and meanings associated with them.
Here are the best lectures about Fixed Stars from our past events, including the complete 2008 workshop with legendary star experts Bernadette Brady and Darrelyn Gunzberg.
by Doris Hebel
Legendary Chicago astrologist Doris Hebel provides an excellent overview for beginners on how to use the fixed stars in a chart reading, explaining the positioning and meanings of all the major stars.
Dec 5, 1999
64 minutes
Handout included
Donation Price: $12.00
by Diana K. Rosenberg
Fixed star expert Diana Rosenberg explains the meanings of the stars and their constellations with many fascinating chart examples. The handout is no longer available, but Diana's book can be bought at https://www.ebay.com/itm/186704879772.
Dec 5, 2004
78 minutes
No Handout
Donation Price: $12.00
by Bernadette Brady and Darrelyn Gunzberg
In this four-part workshop, Bernadette and Darrelyn lay out a comprehensive toolkit for using fixed stars in an astrological reading, including the essential techniques of Paran Maps and Star Phases. There are no handouts for this workshop, but their related book can be bought at: https://www.bernadettebrady.com/books.html
4.5 hours (in four parts)
No Handout
Donation price: $50.00
COSMIC SHIFTS 2025! Navigating the Transitions of Uranus, Neptune & Pluto
In you missed our Fall conference, you can now watch the entire event for a donation of $60.00. This year we hosted three expert astrologers who shared their thoughts about the major planetary shifts in 2025.
Pluto Leaves Capricorn
by Joseph Addeo
As Pluto leaves Capricorn for Aquarius, it will still be ruled by Saturn in the traditional rulership scheme. The infrastructure of society as well as our personal infrastructure is under transformation. What might this mean in up stepping our electrical vibration. Saturn leaving Pisces and entering Aries will emphasize this shift from the old to the new. I will offer some insights.
Eyeing the Future: Neptune in Aries AstroTrends
by Stephanie Gailing
As Neptune gets set to drift into pioneering Aries next year, we’re on the verge of a shape-shift in our collective awareness. In this talk, we’ll explore events that unfolded in previous Neptune in Aries eras so that we can envision what this upcoming residency may inspire. Before that, we’ll locate ourselves in the waves of the moment, surveying some of the trends that have emerged during Neptune’s current passage through watery Pisces.
Uranus – The Great Awakener
by Celeste Brooks
Uranus, the planet of innovation, change, and rebellion, shifts into Gemini on July 7, 2025. This transition will bring seismic shifts in communication, education, and technology. The transit will be exciting and destabilizing. This talk will explore the past and what we may experience personally and collectively.
Nov 16, 2024
3 hours and 30 minutes
Includes three handouts
Donation price: $60
New York City
Our chapter of NCGR often features talks about the astrology of our own fair city. Here are some past events, including talks by our beloved Margaret McMahon who was a passionate expert on the history of New York.
New York, New York The Wonderful Town
by Margaret McMahon
In her first lecture about the astrology of New York City, Margaret focuses on the chart of the consolidation of New York City in 1898 and how it affected events in the 20th century. She also looks at the 1653 New Amsterdam chart and its outer planetary cycles, which are still in effect today.
73 minutes
Fall 2001
Includes NYC Charts
Donation Price: $12.00
The World of Tomorrow, New York Style
by Margaret McMahon
In this follow-up to her 2001 lecture, Margaret further explains the chart of the consolidation of New York City in 1898 and how events following that date reflect the transits and cycles of that horoscope.
Fall 2002
72 minutes
Includes NYC Charts
Donation Price: $12.00
Relocation Astrology
Relocation Astrology uses planetary meridian lines to map places around the globe that have a positive or negative influence on a birth chart. The technique, officially known as Astro*Carto*Graphy, was developed by Jim Lewis and Ken Irving. Since then, other astrologers have weighed in as well. Here are some of their best practices for counseling clients about relocation and travel.
by Ken Irving
Ken, one of the pioneers of Astro*Carto*Graphy, explains how locality plays into chart readings, and how relocation can be used to mollify or accentuate the strength or weakness of a natal planetary placement.
Nov 2012
70 minutes
Includes handout
Donation Price: $12.00
by Jim Lewis
Jim Lewis, one of the pioneers of Astro*Carto*Graphy, explains the basic principles of relocation astrology and how planets play out on different meridians. Note: the audio quality is not perfect.
Circa 1990s
82 minutes
Medium audio quality
Donation Price: $12.00
by William Stickevers
William shares traditional and unique ways to use Astro*Carto*Graphy to help clients choose where to move based or how to make the best of where they already are.
Circa 2000s
95 minutes
Donation Price: $12.00
Synastry is how the planets of one person's chart aspect the planets of another, thereby revealing their "chemistry". To discover more about synastry, listen to these timeless lectures from our archives.
by John Marchesella
John explains the traditional and non-traditional aspects that indicate synastry between charts - i.e. the potential for productivity and cooperation between two individuals.
Dec 4, 1994
72 minutes
Donation Price: $12.00
Can This Relationship Work? Part One - Synastry
by Lenore Canter
Lenore shares how to use astrology to understand relationships and their potential for longevity. In Part One, she explains Synastry, or how two people's birth charts interact showing the chemistry of the relationship.
70 minutes
Donation Price: $12.00
Retrograde Planets in Synastry
By Stephanie Azaria
In this lecture, Stephanie explains how retrograde planets play out in the synastry between two people's charts, with references to Venus Retrogrades in particular.
60 minutes
Donation Price: $12.00
by Michael Lutin
With great humor, Michael explains synastry: the inter-dynamics between two people's charts and how it affects their compatibility. Michael covers the seventh and fifth houses, planetary harmonies and many other components of synastry.
75 minutes
Donation Price: $12.00
Psyche and Eros: The Astrology of Synastry
by Lenore Canter
In this lecture Lenore uses the myth of Psyche and Eros to explain Synastry, or how two people's charts intereact to create romantic chemistry.
75 minutes
Donation Price: $12.00
As we head into another eclipse season, we offer up these recordings from our archives. As with all eclipse periods, give others extra space and keep breathing!
Triumph Over Tragedy: The Eclipses at Work With Outer Planets
by Ronnie Dreyer
Ronnie explains how eclipses work astronomically as well as how they work astrologically, particularly in the way the outer planets and lunar nodes interact with eclipses to trigger and strengthen their impact.
Nov 20, 2010
72 minutes
Handout included
Donation Price: $12.00
by John Marchesella
John explains the importance of eclipses in astrological readings and how they challenge us every six months with unexpected, overwhelming disruptions. He explains how to make the most of eclipses when they hit a chart and how to best handle the intensified energy.
Dec 2, 2000
69 minutes
No Handout
Donation Price: $12.00
The Power of Solar Eclipses in Your Chart - Part One
by Joanna Shannon
In this 1985 lecture, Joanna talks about how solar eclipses can be used to predict events in people’s lives, based on how they interact with birth charts and current transits. Examples of Indira Gandhi and other famous people are discussed.
85 minutes
Handout included
Donation Price: $12.00
The Power of Solar Eclipses in Your Chart - Part Two
by Joanna Shannon
In part II, Joanna talks more about both solar and lunar eclipses and how they specifically interact with the birth chart. Joanna also discusses the synodic eclipse cycle and the nature of eclipses in general.
70 minutes
No Handout
Donation Price: $12.00
The Only Way to Predict Tomorrow
with March and McEvers
Marion March and Joan McEvers were celebrated astrologers in the 80's and 90's who wrote the best-selling series "The Only Way to Learn Astrology".
In 1993, they gave a four-hour workshop for our chapter called "The Only Way to Predict Tomorrow". The class was based on their book "The Only Way to Learn About Tomorrow", and in it March and McEvers shared their tips and techniques for using Secondary Progressions, Solar Arc Directions and Solar Returns in making predictions.
We are pleased to offer their entire workshop in Mp3 format for the price of $45.00.
The Only Way to Predict Tomorrow
By Marion March and Joan McEvers
In this classic four-hour workshop, celebrated astrologers Marion March and Joan McEvers share their tips and techniques for making predictions with Secondary Progressions, Solar Arc Directions and Solar Returns. Among other things, they challenge the conventional premise that Secondary Progressions only indicate psychological attitudes, saying that they can and do also trigger events as well. Likewise, Solar Arc Directions do not just indicate events, but also describe mindsets.
June 1993
4 hours (in two parts)
Includes Handout
Donation Price: $45.00
For information and help with Mp3s, contact Stephen Fleming: stephen@stephenfleming.com