About Us

The National Council for Geocosmic Research is a non-profit member organization that supports education and research exploring the relationship between cosmic patterns, earthly events and human affairs.

The national website can be found on www.geocosmic.org.

The local New York Chapter is here on www.astrologynyc.org.

We have the most active and accomplished astrological education system in the country. We have classes and workshops on various topics and levels of astrology taught by certified astrologers.

Our chapter also offers two conferences each year, plus a free member meeting once a year and an International Astrology Day event scheduled near the vernal equinox.

In addition to astrological research, we produce a quarterly publication, The Ingress, which educates and informs our chapter membership about various astrological themes and subjects.


President: John Marchesella - A practicing astrologer since 1976, certified through Level IV, John currently heads the NCGR faculty. He is a frequent contributor to astrological publications and websites, and a familiar speaker to other NCGR chapters and organizations, such as N.Y. Open Center. Currently he serves as Chair of NCGR - USA. John is also a humanistic psychotherapist, certified by Temenos Institute, and a bereavement counselor since 1982.

Vice-President: Joe Carasso - As a second generation astrologer, Joe has been a student of astrology for over 50 years.

Treasurer: De Vovchansky - De's metaphysical life has been 34+ years with her primary focus on astrological teaching. Serving on the NCGR-NYC Board on and off, she has held four different positions, including her role now as Treasurer.. De's classes can combine all modalities in order to provide illuminating and fun programs.

Executive Secretary: Stephen Fleming - Stephen has been reading professionally since 1993 and joined NCGR in 1996. His practice is a unique combination of astrology, tarot and kaballah. Stephen also serves as the chapter's E-commerce Director.

Membership Secretary: Emily Waldron - Emily was first introduced to NCGR in 2018 and has since been captivated by how astrology encompasses her love of history, research, and analysis. She is active in NYC meetups and can often be seen in various classes and workshops.

Recording Secretary: Debra Peredo - Debra is an NCGR PAA- level 1 astrologer, tarot reader, and pharmacist. She facilitates new moon circles for her Astoria based coven as well as astrology workshops for beginners. She can normally be found at the park, a bookshop, home cooking, or scrolling through too many pictures of cats and dogs. Her website is DebraPeredo.com

The Ingress Editor: Howard Moore - Howard Moore is a consulting astrologer with NCGR-PAA Level II certification. He began to study astrology in 2003 and hasn’t stopped. He’s been on the board of NCGR’s New York City chapter since 2017, first as membership secretary and currently as editor of The Ingress, the chapter’s newsletter. He’s also assistant editor of the NCGR Geocosmic Journal, and in 2024, he was elected to NCGR’s national board as program director. By day, he’s an editor at a financial publication. His website is howardastrologer.com. Reach him at howard.astrologer@gmail.com.

Public Relations/Webmaster: Dale Glogowski - Dale has been studying astrology since 2017 and adds over 25 years of corporate project management and communications experience to the Board’s collective skill set. She’s passionate about building strong, positive relationships between the NCGR-NYC organization and its community.

Associates Coordinator: TBA


Education: John Marchesella - A practicing astrologer since 1976, certified through Level IV, John currently heads the NCGR faculty. He is a frequent contributor to astrological publications and websites, and a familiar speaker to other NCGR chapters and organizations, such as N.Y. Open Center. Currently he serves as Chair of NCGR - USA. John is also a humanistic psychotherapist, certified by Temenos Institute, and a bereavement counselor since 1982.

Recording Library: Nan Kaplan - Nan began studying astrology in 1971. Since 1983 she has been on the NCGR NY chapter board. During the day she is a high school librarian in the Bronx. The senior class in their last will and testament is leaving her her own psychic hotline or a crystal ball.

E-commerce Director: Stephen Fleming - Stephen relocated to New York City in 1981 to practice astrology and tarot. He has been reading professionally since 1993 and joined NCGR in 1996. Stephen served as the chapter's Editorial Director from 1999-2014 and now handling e-commerce sales.

Research Director: TBA


NCGR-NYC Associates help out at conferences, mailings, and any other work that needs to be done. Availability and attitude are important for they must be there to help the board with their various jobs.

The rewards are the boards gratitude and free entrance into events. This position is only available when vacated by a previous associate. If you would like to be considered for this position you can submit your name by E-mail.

Current Associates:

Chiemi Matsumoto, Lakschmi Scalise, Maria Wander Escudero, Danny Larkin

Banner Photo by Robson Hatsukami Morgan on Unsplash